female in white coat comforting girl in pink top

Level 3 of the Safeguarding Children programme has been updated. This reflects new guidance in the Safeguarding Children and Young People: Roles and Competencies for Healthcare Staff  (Fourth Edition: January 2019) Intercollegiate Document. Developed by medical royal colleges in the UK, this document provides an overarching framework for professional practice in this area.

The new Level 3 sessions have also been refreshed with a new responsive design for learners who are studying on mobile devices and tablets.

Further updates are in the pipeline with ‘Session 6 – Fabricated and Induced Illness’ due for review when new guidance in this area has been published. The existing session remains in the programme for the short term.

If you were using the existing sessions, your training record will remain updated and you can still access your certificates. You can continue to access the original sessions in the ‘retired courses’ folder until 1 July 2020.

The Safeguarding Children programme covers the knowledge and competences needed by health and social care professionals to safeguard the welfare of children. Level 3 is aimed specifically at doctors, consultants and paediatricians.

There are also separate modules for nurses, health visitors, allied healthcare professionals and non-clinical staff. The Safeguarding Children programme has been developed by a consortium of professional bodies, led by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

Find out more on our child safeguarding course – levels 1 and 2 programme page.