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Fetal monitoring learning proves popular in Limerick

More than 250 midwives and obstetricians from the University Maternity Hospital, Limerick have been using the Fetal Monitoring Programme (eFM) for revalidation and continuing professional development. eFM has now been licensed for several successive years by the hospital, reflecting the popularity of this award-winning elearning tool. Additionally, eFM is now supporting midwifery training at the University of Limerick. Find out more about our Electronic Fetal Monitoring course

All Irish anaesthesia students given access to e-LA

The College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland has given all specialty trainees in the country access to our award-winning elearning Anaesthesia (e-LA) programme. This reflects the high regard for this programme in the international anaesthesia community. Find out more about our Anaesthesia course