elderly male patient in green hospital gown being attended by two medics in an ICU

The College of Intensive Care Medicine (CICM) of Australia and New Zealand has made e-ICM available to its members through an exclusive deal with eIntegrity. The college is the peak body for intensive care medicine specialist training and education in the two countries.

Since December 2018, CICM members have accessed nearly 1000 learning sessions in more than 650 hours of study time online. This has included some international members in countries such as India, Hong Kong, Qatar and Singapore.

Richard Bryant, from eIntegrity, said: “We are delighted that e-ICM is proving so popular with CICM members.

“eIntegrity was formed to give clinicians access to world-leading resources developed in the UK – allowing the clinical community to share expertise and best practice beyond national boundaries. And this is exactly what we’ve achieved with our counterparts in the CICM.

“We hope to build on this work to bring our e-learning resources to new audiences in Australasia and beyond.”

Developed by the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, e-ICM features 500 e-learning sessions which cover the knowledge and skills needed for a career in this field. This includes dedicated ICM sessions and relevant material from our award-winning anaesthesia, acute medicine, surgery, radiology and end-of-life care programmes.

The quality-assured content is mapped to the UK’s ICM curriculum and COBATRICE – an international programme designed to harmonise ICM training in Europe and other world regions.

The e-learning is suitable for all critical care practitioners, including doctors, nurses and physiotherapists. 

For further details, see our e-ICM Programme page.