anaesthetist in blue scrubs and hat places oxygen mask over face of female patient with monitors in background

More than 700 members of the Romanian Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine have signed up to access the e-Learning Anaesthesia (e-LA) programme.

This is part of an agreement between eIntegrity and the society to make this award-winning programme available to members for training and continuing professional development.

As part of this agreement, members of the society will also have access to our renowned Intensive Care Medicine (e-ICM), Pain Management (e-Pain) and Echo Cardiography (ICE-BLU) programmes.

e-LA already has more than 5,000 learners in over 40 countries – including Holland, Tanzania, Ireland and the United Kingdom.

Developed by the Royal College of Anaesthetists and NHS England e-Learning for Healthcare, the programme features more than 750 learning sessions, alongside an extensive e-library and questions that match the standard of the UK postgraduate examinations.