Online Anaesthesia Course

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Online Anaesthesia Course

elearning Anaesthesia (e-LA) is an online anesthesia course that supports specialty training and continuing professional development for doctors, nurses and other anaesthesia practitioners across the globe.

Award Winning Online Anaesthesia Course

This world-class anesthesia training course includes:

  • over 800 interactive and engaging online training sessions, with images, videos and animations
  • questions that match the standard of the UK postgraduate anaesthesiology examinations

The Online Anaesthesia Course content is packed with interactive features, which help to bring the subject matter to life and put theoretical knowledge in a practical context.

Complex concepts are explored and carefully assembled using frame-by-frame animations to illustrate key points.

E-learning Anaesthesia Courses

Written by Top Clinical Specialists in the UK

This high-quality anaesthesia course has been developed in the UK by the Royal College of Anaesthetists and NHS England elearning for healthcare.

Our elearning anaesthesia course meets the highest training standards.

The team of 400 authors and editors regularly review and update the modules and content within the course.


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Hello, my name is Ed Hammond and I’d like to welcome you to this section of the integrity website, where you’ll find further details about the elearning anaesthesia programme.

elearning anaesthesia is the Royal College of Anaesthetists award winning elearning programme, which provides access to over 1000 elearning sessions to support training and anaesthesia.

You can learn at your own pace and the sessions include formative assessments with feedback to test your understanding of the content as you progress through the course.

Do have a look on the website where you find details of how to register as well as the list of all the sessions that are available in the programme.


Course Content
Free Trial Session

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