female nurse taking oral swab from young girl while mother looks on

eIntegrity has just launched a new Paediatric e-Learning Programme for all healthcare professionals who work with children.

Developed by NHS England e-Learning for Healthcare, the programme covers four essential themes in paediatrics: cardiology, diabetes and endocrinology, respiratory paediatrics and palliative care. Within these areas, learners can explore a broad range of topics, from clinical themes through to communicating with young people, discussing challenging and sensitive subjects, and ethical issues.

The content is relevant to paediatricians, paediatric advanced nursing practitioners, staff in emergency departments and community healthcare workers.

The new programme includes many videos, images, animations and self-assessment exercises to provide a highly engaging and interactive learning experience. Learners can test their skills with real patient case studies, watching video consultations and then answering questions on their observations. This helps to extend and expand their diagnostic skills.

The programme is available online – so learners can study anywhere, at any time. It can be used as a refresher on key topics, for general reference or for training purposes.

To find out more, take a look at our dedicated programme page.