female nurse in white tunic with navy piping examining a monitor printout with woman patient in pink top lying in hospital bed

A total of 11 new case studies have been added to the programme. These case studies allow learners to test their CTG interpretation skills using clinical information and traces from real labours in the safety of a virtual ward. As with previous additions, each scenario has been considered carefully by the programme’s editorial board and contains expert feedback and guidance.

The case studies are ideally suited to group or classroom training since learners can pause the traces to debate the findings and any decision-making. They are updated on a regular basis to reflect the latest clinical practice from the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Designed for both midwives and obstetricians, eFM covers all aspects of intrapartum electronic fetal monitoring. It is used for both training and continuing professional development.

Alongside the case studies, eFM also includes knowledge sessions, self-assessment questions and a comprehensive e-library. It has been developed in the UK by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Royal College of Midwives, and NHS England e-Learning for Healthcare.

For further details, please see our eFM programme page.