two woman talk to another woman who is making nores on a clipboard

eIntegrity has worked with the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), the Royal College of Physicians and NHS England elearning for healthcare (NHSE elfh) to add new content to the Sexual Health and HIV programme (eHIV-STI).

A new session, Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare for Trans, Non-binary and Intersex People, is now available as part of the elearning programme. This session aims to aid understanding of the diversity of gender identity and support sexual health professionals to facilitate effective sexual and reproductive healthcare for trans, non-binary, and intersex people. 

By the end of this session learners will be able to:

  • describe different gender identities and the need to have inclusive healthcare provision within an integrated sexual health service
  • list important areas of health promotion for trans and non-binary service users
  • discuss ways to take a non-judgemental sexual and reproductive history from a trans or non-binary patient
  • identify key sexual health issues faced by trans and non-binary patients
  • describe possible medical or surgical approaches to gender affirming treatments and their common complications
  • evaluate how welcoming the service is for trans and non-binary people.

The eHIV-STI elearning programme provides the knowledge framework for healthcare professionals treating and supporting people with sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, and related conditions. The elearning is split across 17 modules, with an additional undergraduate and STIF pathway, and provides an extensive knowledge base for STIs and HIV.

For more information about the elearning programme and to access the full list of available sessions, visit the Sexual Health and HIV programme page.