NHS England

NHS England exists for one reason and one reason only: our vision is to help improve the quality of life and health and care services for the people of England by ensuring the workforce of today and tomorrow has the right skills, values and behaviours, in the right numbers, at the right time and in the right place.

Showing 19–24 of 24 results


The Paediatrics elearning Programme is designed to help healthcare professionals develop their skills and expertise in caring for children and young adults. It is particularly suited to paediatricians, paediatric advanced nursing practitioners, general practitioners, staff in emergency departments, and community healthcare workers. The content is used by trainees and fully qualified practitioners.

£37.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Psychologically-Informed Neonatal Care

Our Psychologically-Informed Neonatal Care elearning course supports better outcomes for babies, families and staff.

£24.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

The Role of the Caldicott Guardian

The Role of the Caldicott Guardian elearning programme highlights the importance of keeping people’s health and social care data safe and the vital role Caldicott Guardians play in ensuring its appropriate use.

£11.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Wound Care Education for the Health and Care Workforce

The Wound Care Education elearning programme supports the health and care workforce in developing the knowledge and skills required to deliver appropriate wound care to people in any healthcare setting.

£37.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Statutory and Mandatory Training

This high-quality elearning covers the 10 statutory and mandatory training topics for all staff who work in health and social care settings in the UK and is equally relevant to an international audience.

£57.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Step to Work

The Step to Work elearning programme support newly registered Allied Health Professionals (AHP) to transition between education and employment into a health and social care setting.

£0.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Showing 19–24 of 24 results

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