NHS England

NHS England exists for one reason and one reason only: our vision is to help improve the quality of life and health and care services for the people of England by ensuring the workforce of today and tomorrow has the right skills, values and behaviours, in the right numbers, at the right time and in the right place.

Showing 1–18 of 24 results

Anaesthesia eLibrary

This Anaesthesia eLibrary course contains both the articles and self-assessment, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) from Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain (CEACCP).

£26.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Blood Transfusion

The Blood Transfusion Training (BTT) elearning programme supports the training of staff directly involved in the transfusion process and/or the management of patients requiring anti-D immunoglobulin prophylaxis.

£42.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Communication Skills for the Mental Health Practitioner

The Communication Skills for the Mental Health Practitioner elearning programme gives healthcare workers supporting those with mental health needs, the essential communication skills needed to undertake their role more effectively.

£24.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.


The Anaphylaxis elearning programme provides healthcare professionals, whatever their role and wherever they are around the world, with an introduction to diagnosing and treating anaphylaxis.

£24.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Complex Clinical Reasoning

Our Complex Clinical Reasoning elearning course is designed to support the in-context supervision of healthcare professional developing their clinical reasoning skills.

£37.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.


e-Dementia covers the knowledge and skills needed to deliver individual, compassionate care to people living with dementia. It is suitable for nurses, healthcare assistants, doctors and domestic/clerical staff who work anywhere in the world.

£63.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Changing Story of Cancer

The Changing Story of Cancer elearning programme helps health and care professionals better understand the changes in outcomes for cancer patients and the impact this has on carers’ roles.

£16.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Child Sexual Exploitation

The Child Sexual Exploitation elearning programme assists health and care professionals to better help children and young people who are at risk or who may be affected by child sexual exploitation.

£24.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Human Factors / Ergonomics (Safety Science) for Patient Safety: Understanding

Our Human Factors / Ergonomics (Safety Science) for Patient Safety elearning course offers health and social care staff the first step on a pathway for developing competence and capability in Human Factors (Ergonomics), focused on the areas of patient safety and staff wellbeing.

£24.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Long Covid

Our Long COVID elearning programme provides an introduction to long COVID and Post-COVID Syndrome. Giving learners a better understanding of the common symptoms of long COVID and the impact it can have on those living with long COVID.

£24.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Management of procedure-induced anxiety in children

Our Management of Procedure-Induced Anxiety in Children elearning course shares the well-established, evidence-based practice that allows you to better manage and reduce procedure- induced anxiety in children.

£42.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Medical Examiner (MEX)

The Medical Examiner (MEX) elearning programme is an engaging online learning course supporting medical examiners, medical examiner officers and those involved in death certification.

£42.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Pharmacy in Primary Care

The Pharmacy in Primary Care elearning programme brings primary care pharmacy learning to the secondary care pre-registration pharmacist by supporting their learning of the Community Pharmacy contract and the provision of unscheduled care in the community.

£24.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Safe Use of Insulin

The Safe Use of Insulin elearning programme supports healthcare staff in the correct prescription and administration of insulin.

£16.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism

The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism elearning programme provides participants with an understanding of autism and learning disability and an introduction to communicating with and making reasonable adjustments for autistic people and people with a learning disability.

£26.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Tracheostomy Safety

The Tracheostomy Safety elearning programme provides doctors, nursing and allied health practitioners and students at all stages of their career with the knowledge and skills required to safely manage patients with a tracheostomy or laryngectomy.

£24.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Venous Thromboembolism

The Venous Thromboembolism elearning programme gives nurses, pharmacists and junior doctors an essential understanding of the issues with hospital-associated thrombosis and the skills & knowledge to prevent it.

£16.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

National Breast Imaging Academy (BIA)

The National Breast Imaging Academy is a comprehensive elearning programme that complements face-to-face clinical learning for radiographers, radiologists and breast clinicians undertaking all breast imaging training programmes.

£42.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.

Showing 1–18 of 24 results

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