eIntegrity users can now purchase selected modules from the Radiology – Integrated Training Initiative (R-ITI) tailored to their individual learning needs.
R-ITI, which has been developed by the UK’s Royal College of Radiologists and NHS England, is designed to support continuing professional development for healthcare professionals. It includes more than 800 interactive sessions that are arranged into eight modules.
Learners can now purchase individual modules on topics ranging from basic science through to paediatrics, cardiac imaging and interventional radiology, or select the full programme.
Dr Julia Moore, National Director, e-Learning for Healthcare, NHS England, said: “We are delighted to be able to offer customers this added flexibility. By purchasing individual modules, you can select topics that most suit your interests and training needs, with the option to purchase further modules at a later stage if required.
“Furthermore, with every module purchased, you also receive a complimentary training guide to help you get the most out of this e-learning programme.”
R-ITI covers the full radiology curriculum and it provides excellent preparation for FRCR* and other examinations. Learners gain experience and confidence in interpreting clinical information through a variety of interactive exercises, such as analysing a radiograph or written reports. The programme has won several UK training awards.
For further details about R-ITI, and pricing options for individual modules, please go to Radiology e-learning course page.
*Fellowship of The Royal College of Radiologists