Female Genital Mutilation
It is estimated that around 200 million women and girls have suffered Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in more than 30 countries, mainly in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
£35.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.
Sexual & Reproductive Health
e-Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (eSRH) covers the knowledge base to deliver high-quality healthcare in community settings. It is relevant to healthcare professionals around the world.
£105.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.
Sexual Health (HIV content only) elearning Course
This Sexual Health elearning resource gives you access to the specialist HIV content from the extensive eHIV-STI course & supports the specialist training in HIV.
£95.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.
Sexual Health (STI content only) elearning Resource
This Sexual Health elearning resource gives you access to the specialist STI content from the extensive eHIV-STI course & supports the specialist training in STIs.
£155.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.
Sexual Health and HIV
elearning for Sexual Health and HIV (eHIV-STI) is a high-quality programme for healthcare professionals treating and supporting people with sexually transmitted infections anywhere in the world.
£195.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.