Communication Skills for the Mental Health Practitioner
The Communication Skills for the Mental Health Practitioner elearning programme gives healthcare workers supporting those with mental health needs, the essential communication skills needed to undertake their role more effectively.
£23.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapies for Psychosis elearning Course
The Cognitive Behavioural Therapies for Psychosis elearning course gives healthcare professionals around the world the knowledge and skills to deliver competent, evidence-based psychological therapy to people with psychosis.
£95.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.
e-Dementia covers the knowledge and skills needed to deliver individual, compassionate care to people living with dementia. It is suitable for nurses, healthcare assistants, doctors and domestic/clerical staff who work anywhere in the world.
£60.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
This elearning programme equips medical practitioners with the knowledge to work as mental health assessors in relation to Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) legislation. This UK legislation is designed to protect people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves and is equally relevant internationally.
£55.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.
Mental Capacity Act
Mental health disorders are now one of the main healthcare problems across the world.
£20.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.
Mental Health
Mental health disorders are now one of the main healthcare problems across the world. This programme aims to equip healthcare professionals with vital skills and strategies to help a patient experiencing a mental health problem, such as depression, anxiety or bipolar.
£30.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.
Mental Health Awareness
Mental health disorders are now one of the main healthcare problems across the world. This programme aims to equip healthcare professionals with vital skills and strategies to help a patient experiencing a mental health problem, such as depression, anxiety or bipolar.
£20.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.
Perinatal Mental Health elearning Course
The Perinatal Mental Health elearning course provides high-quality, evidence-based elearning resources to healthcare professionals in the field of perinatal mental health.
£35.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.
Trauma-Informed Care
Our Trauma-informed Care elearning course supports learners deepen their understanding on the importance of becoming more trauma sensitive in the way care is delivered.
£23.00 Excludes VAT where applicable.