pregnant woman in orange maternity dress rubs her lower back while sitting gret sofa

Every year a number of women die in pregnancy or the puerperium. Previously, the main causes of maternal death were obstetric problems such as postpartum haemorrhage. Now, however, the main causes of maternal death are medical complications rather than obstetric and include cardiac disease, neurological disease and sepsis.

This programme is primarily designed for trainees in Internal Medicine Trainees but will also be of use to others in Obstetrics, Anaesthesia and Allied Health Professionals.

Trainee physicians only encounter pregnant women occasionally and may not have a working knowledge of either the dynamic physiology of pregnancy or the effect this has on interpretation of examination findings and laboratory investigations. This may lead to a delay in the timely and appropriate management of the acutely unwell pregnant woman.

The cost for a single user annual licence is £30, please click here eIntegrity Hub to register and purchase the programme