anaesthetist in blue scrubs and hat places oxygen mask over face of female patient with monitors in background

The ‘Introduction to Critical Care’ module, which is part of the award-winning e-Learning Anaesthesia (e-LA) programme, has been comprehensively reviewed and updated in line with the latest clinical developments.

In total, 120 out of the 130 learning sessions within the module have either been updated or newly added. This includes updates to the main knowledge content, images and questions – which match the standard of the UK postgraduate anaesthesia examinations.

The review, which has taken 18 months to complete, was overseen by three clinical editors, who are all practising intensive care consultants. It is part of a wider review of the entire e-LA programme.

Nick Cleary, Project Manager at e-Learning for Healthcare, which was a key partner in the work, said: “This has been a huge project for the team and I would like to thank everyone involved. It is vital that we keep the content refreshed and updated to reflect best practice and developments in the clinical field.

“The sessions were launched at the beginning of September but, so far, the reaction from learners has been extremely positive. Learners have been impressed by the breadth of the review.”

e-LA supports specialty anaesthesia training and continuing professional development for doctors, nurses and other anaesthesia/intensive care practitioners. The programme has been developed by the Royal College of Anaesthetists and e-Learning for Healthcare.

Following the completion of the Critical Care module, the focus has now moved to reviewing the Pharmacology module and, in due course, the Consolidating Basic Clinical Science module. Further details will be published over the coming months.

For further details about the e-Learning Anaesthesia programme, please go to our programme page.