nurse in blue tunic touches the stomach of female patient in red top

The Fetal Monitoring e-learning programme (eFM) has undergone a complete restructuring – making it easier for learners to navigate and find the content they need.

The programme is now organised into four learning paths, by levels of complexity:

  • Level 1 – Pathophysiology; Normal Fetal Heart Rate Pattern
  • Level 2 – Risk factors for Fetal Hypoxia
  • Level 3 – Pathophysiology; Complex Fetal Heart Rate Pattern
  • Level 4 – Complex Pregnancies

Each learning path has a new, dedicated assessment session and users must now achieve a pass score of 80% to unlock the next level’s assessment session. The knowledge sessions are still available to all users, at any time.

Learners can still access the comprehensive e-library and interactive case studies with CTGs from real labours as separate elements.

What does this mean for existing users?

All user records will remain on the system. So, details of any completed sessions will remain on your learning portfolio. However, since the assessments are changing, the old assessment details will be removed.

Scott Mountifield, Project Manager for the eFM programme, said: “We recognise that our learners have wide-ranging interests and training needs.

“These changes will make it easier for learners to find the information they need. So, they can dip into the material and access the sessions relevant to their interests whenever and wherever they choose.”

To find out more about eFM, please visit our programme page.