anaesthetist in blue scrubs and hat places oxygen mask over face of female patient with monitors in background

Until 15 April, healthcare professionals in low-income countries can apply for bursaries for free access to the Essential Anaesthesia programme, which is available through eIntegrity.

In total, 300 bursaries are being made available to widen access to the programme, helping anaesthesia providers in poorly resourced settings to progress their training.

This scheme has been organised by the programme sponsors, namely the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists, the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland and the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA).

Essential Anaesthesia includes 150 advanced learning sessions from the RCoA’s e-Learning Anaesthesia and e-Pain programmes covering areas such as obstetrics, critical care and pain management. These sessions are aimed at medically qualified anaesthetists and anaesthesiologists, as well as nurses and clinical officers who are at an advanced stage of training or gaining further experience. There are also around 100 basic sessions from the highly popular e-SAFE (Safer Anaesthesia From Education) programme.

Developed by some of the UK’s leading clinical experts, these sessions are already used by thousands of healthcare professionals in the UK and internationally. The bursaries provide a fantastic opportunity for those practising anaesthesia in low-resource settings to access these resources completely free of charge.

This scheme is part of the RCoA’s efforts to share the college’s quality-assured training and education with doctors from other countries, particularly in resource-poor areas.

Further information about the Essential Anaesthesia programme is available on the RCoA’s website.

You can apply for a bursary online.

Successful applicants will be notified by 30 April 2018. They will then receive details of how to register for the programme.